On the 6th Day, Bigg Boss 5 Telugu has given a task for all the contestants to choose their best friend and enemy. Bigg Boss asked the contestants to tie band to their best and tear the Pic of their worst. Each of the Contestant came forward and chosen. Little bit of Arguments went on between the contestants when they given the names.
Here we have given you list of Contestants who have selected their best friend and enemy
Contestant | Tied Band to | Torn Pic of |
Vishwa | Manas | Kajal |
Jessy | Sunny | Sarayu |
Lahari | Priya | kajal |
Swetha | Anee | Umadevi |
Sriramachandra | Swetha | Kajal |
Siri | Shanmukh | Sarayu |
VJ Sunny | Hamida | Ravi |
Nataraj | Lobo | Kajal |
Manas | Ravi | Jessi |
Ravi | Priyanka | Jessi |
Umadevi | Priyanka | Kajal |
Hamida | Sarayu | Shannu |
Priya | Anee Master | Hamida |
Priyanka | Priya | Nataraj |
Kajal | Sreeramachandra | Umadevi |
Anee | Swetha | Kajal |
Shanmukh | Ravi | Hamida |
On the end of this episode, Ravi and Hamida gets into safe zone and Nagarjuna says that they are safe from elimination.
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